Welcome To The Inspiration Page!

We are sharing videos here for you to connect to. Mantra chants, songs, us vibing, creating beats or singing. Anything music related that we feel can be of inspiration.

Inspirational Videos

Channel Your Inner Singer With Karaveera Nivasini Dasi

At some point consciously to you or not you have been told to shut up and not take space or that you cannot sing. Everybody can sing. I will help you tap into your natural voice, a voice that is not changed to please anyone else. Your unique sound that you enjoy listening to. 

A freedom can be found within to share your unique sound without the fear of being liked or not. Of course we want people to like to listen to us, admit that and go beyond it. When you sing for your higher self you can start to enjoy listening to your voice, singing is one part listening and one part creating the sound. You are both receiver and sender of the healing that is flowing in your voice. 

This is not a singing class in the classical manner but an inner journey and exploration with sounds. I am going to use different instruments that help us to tune in to the places in the body where energy is stuck and release them so your sound can cross unhindered. Come sing with me!

I am looking forward to this journey together with YOU!

Karaveera Nivasini Dasi