The Sacred Healing Vibration

The Sacred Healing Vibration, which Kritagya founded 2015, is a deep transformative healing that runs through him that has healed both heavy bodily diseases but also ignited the spiritual path for many people.

When Karaveera Nivasini entered Krityagya Das’ life she started to sing on his music creations and then transformed all of his music into online courses. All the music is with mantras so the courses started as something to know how to work with the mantras in the music. Of course you get a positive vibration just listening and receiving the healing from the music but you can take it to the next level by really using the mantras in your life. Our courses developed and now expand over many areas of life. From the fundamentals of meditation to getting activated for the healing so that you can start practicing on yourself and others.

Together we have developed The Sacred Healing Vibration to something much more than just the healing. The healing is the base from where all the other areas spring. 

In order to truly transform both body mind and emotions from just one healing session with us your bodies need to be aligned and coherent. What happens when we send the sacred healing to you and your astral and physical bodies are not coherent is that the healing will be limited to your astral realities like mental issues and mindset. Of course this is already huge, if your mindset can shift your whole life can shift – a new paradigm where healing is possible is born. But if your astral body is coherent with your physical body the healing will also instantly transform your physical body. 

Because of the nature of all the different bodies and their connections we have made a whole system of healing including yoga, breathing, self healing, mindset, positive thinking, uplifting  food, music, clothing and more. All to help you become coherent and keep the positive vibration that came with the healing.

If you receive healing and all your pains and diseases go away you still need the whole Life style shift that The Sacred Healing Vibration embodies:

Karma Free Food – has a light energy and don’t produce suffering in the making

Meditation – starting with concentration, stilling the mind so we can hear our soul.

Chanting Mantras – reprogramming your mind and raising your vibration

Music – Let the sound of you – your soul shine through

Listen yo our music here

Let’s give the healing effect an opportunity to stay and keep on working on us. We are just vehicles of divine light, we don’t claim to be God/source but we know that we are a part of God and we are here to spread that light and love. Thank you for being a part of this change!